Karneool hõbekäevõru 925; 10,2g

Tootekood: kiygkr4-24-3h1

17 - 19cm

217,50 € 174,00 €

Ajatu Elegants ja Tervendavad Omadused

Kui otsid ehet, mis viib su elegantsete ja tervendavate omadustega ajareisile, siis Karneool hõbekäevõru on täpselt see, mida vajad. See ehe, mis on sündinud meistrite käte all, ühendab sajandite vanust tarkust ja iidseid traditsioone. Ajalooliselt tuntud oma erakordsete omaduste ja maagilise võlu poolest, on see käevõru ideaalne valik igaks oluliseks sündmuseks ja igapäevaseks kandmiseks.

Karneooli Tervendavad Omadused

Karneool on kivi, mis kannab endas iidseid tervendavaid omadusi. Selle sügavpunased ja oranžid toonid meenutavad loojangutaevast, tuues samaaegselt nii rahu kui jõudu. Usutakse, et see elav kivi suurendab tunduvalt eluenergiat, andes kandjale lisajõudu ja elutahet. Lisaks parandab Karneool keskendumisvõimet, aidates selgelt ja sihipäraselt mõelda ka kõige keerulisemates olukordades. Selle energia tasakaalustab emotsioone, tuues meelerahu ja leevendades negatiivseid tundeid. Karneool on tuntud ka oma võime poolest leevendada stressi ja ärevust, luues harmoonilise heaolu. 


Century-old wisdom & ancient healing properties

If you are looking for a jewelry that will take you on a time travel with elegant and healing properties, then the Carneol silver bracelet is exactly what you need. Born under the hands of masters, this jewel combines centuries-old wisdom and ancient traditions. Historically known for its extraordinary properties and magical charm and abilities, this bracelet is the perfect choice for every important occasion and everyday wear.

Carneol is a stone that carries ancient healing properties. Its deep red and orange tones are reminiscent of the sunset sky, bringing peace and strength at the same time. This living stone significantly increases life energy, giving the wearer extra strength and will to live. In addition, Carneol improves the ability to concentrate, helping to think clearly and purposefully even in the most difficult situations. Its energy balances emotions, bringing peace of mind and alleviating negative feelings. Carneol is also known for its ability to relieve stress and anxiety, creating harmonious well-being.
Carneol is a stone that has been appreciated for centuries for its beautiful color and magical properties. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that Carneol protected the wearer from negative energies and brought luck. In Ancient Greece and Rome, Carneol was worn as a talisman, encouraging courage and determination.